International RoboCup Junior

Represented India at the International RoboCup Junior held in Leipzig, Germany in 2016.

RoboCup is an international scientific initiative with the goal to advance the state of the art of intelligent robots. When established in 1997, the original mission was to field a team of robots capable of winning against the human soccer World Cup champions by 2050.

RoboCup comprises of various leagues having the best brains participating from all around the globe. In the year 2016, we were fortunate enough to win the Indian RoboCup league and had a chance to represent India in Germany in the Rescue Line League.

The robot must be strong and smart enough to navigate through a treacherous terrain with hills, uneven lands and rubbles without getting stuck. When the robot finally finds the victim, it has to gently and carefully transport the victim to the safe evacuation point where humans can take over.

The Rescue Line sub-league is open to students from age 14 up to 19 years of age. An autonomous robot should follow a black line while overcoming different problems in a modular arena formed by tiles with different patterns. The floor is white in color, and the tiles are on different levels connected with ramps.

Click here, to view the project associated with this competition.

Top: Featured in the student edition of the largest selling English-language daily in the world. Bottom: Certificate of participation at the International RCJ Germany, 2016.